My husband and I are both daily coffee drinkers, so making baked treats or savory dishes with coffee is a perfect fit for us. It’s always fun to see just how we can get our favorite coffee to expand beyond our coffee cups.
So, tonight was one of those ways. I made Coffee-Marninated Pork Chops – which was super easy and quite delicious. This marninade creates a tender piece of meat, with a slight sweetness. We grilled our pork chops, but you could probably also pan fry, broil or bake them.
Coffee-Marinated Pork Chops
1 1/2 cups strong brewed coffee (dark or medium is best; cooled slightly)
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
2 lbs pork loin chopsIn a large bowl, thoroughly combine all ingredients, except for the pork. Add pork to the marinade; cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, but preferably overnight. Discard marinade and grill the pork chops over low-medium heat for approximately 15 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F.
Inspired and adapted from Alton Brown’s Molasses Coffee Marinated Pork Chops
Anne says
I just found you on a search too — I really wanted to make the Alton Brown version of this recipe, but I don't have molasses so I decided to see what else was out there. These look great, and I'm making them tonight!
Polly says
I am going to make this today! I also use coffee in every way imaginable and would not dare make a roast without it! The gravy is SOOO good. Thanks so much for this recipe. I found you through a search for marinated pork chops. My lucky day!!!
megan says
wow i never thought to marinate anything in coffee before! My husband loves coffee…I'll have to try this next time we fire up the grill!