This post brought to you by Kimberly-Clark. All opinions are 100% mine.
It’s back-to-school time and if you are like most parent of school-age children, that means you’ve been busy buying lots of school supplies. What if I told you that your back-to-school purchases could help your child’s’ school earn an extra $20,000 this year? It’s true! With Box Tops for Education, every BTFE registered schools can earn $20,000, per year, to use towards items such as computers, library books, and art supplies.
Here’s how it works: “Box Tops” can be found on participating products, everything from participating food products to toilet paper (like Scott® brand) and Kleenex© and more. Each Box Top is worth .10 cents. Parents and members of your community can clip the Box Tops from empty packaging and turn them into their school. The school then turns them into General Mills who will send the school a check, equivalent to 10 cents per Box Top.

Box Tops for Education is an easy to way to help your child’s school — especially since the Box Tops are on so many products that you probably already buy. There are even special bonus deals on packaging from time to time. For example, right now you can get bonus Box Tops on Scott® brand products and Kleenex© brand products at Sam’s Club — and they are available whether you make your purchases online or in-club!
If you aren’t a parent of a school-age child or maybe you are a grandparent or aunt or uncle (or a homeschooling family like us), you can still help schools with Box Tops. Just clip every Box Tops for Education that you come across and save them. After you collect, donate the Box Tops to a local school or the schools of family members.
As you can see, earning extra cash for your child’s school is easy by collecting Box Tops. It’s a new school year, so now is the best time to make a commitment to collect even more than ever before!,000 per school, per school year for Box Tops redeemed through the Clip Program.
Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy says
I am so obsessed with BTFE. We raise a lot of money each year at my kids school. I love the program!
Shannon (The Mommy-Files) says
I think it is so awesome that Kimberly-Clark has the Box Tops for Education. We are constantly collecting them for our kids’ schools.
Emily says
Meijer sometimes does promotions for box tops that print off as catalina coupons (those skinny coupons that come with your receipt) and once i was shopping w/ my mom and she almost threw them away because she thought it was just an advertisement. So for those of you who collect box tops, make sure you don’t throw them away if the print with your receipt. 🙂