When many people think of recipe cards, they often times think of vintage recipe cards, perhaps handwritten by their own mother or grandmother. But while old recipe boxes packed full of secret family recipes handed down from your family is a beloved possession, have you considered documenting and preserving your own recipes?
I absolutely love recipe cards, but more than that, I love the art of recipe keeping. It’s my personal goal to show you that there is lots of ways of preserving your recipe for future generation — and it doesn’t always mean handwriting a recipe on a 3×5″ index card. Today, we have endless options for modern-day recipe keeping and I’m going to show you just how many ways there is. See, I don’t think is matter how you preserve those recipes…just as long as you do!
NOTE: This page will be updated frequently with my latest recipe keeping blog posts and other resources.
Recipe Card Tutorials:
How to Make Recipe Cards in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements
How to Make Recipe Cards in PicMonkey
Recipe Keeping Crafts:
Framed Recipe Cards (hanging from ribbon)
DIY Family Recipe Shadowbox Frame
Create a Cookbook from a 4×6 Photo Album
For Kids: Recipe Card Holder Craft
Pinterest Boards to follow:
Recipe Cards & Recipe Keeping resources
Food & Recipe Scrapbooking Layouts (inspiration – includes recipe cards)
Products for creating recipe cards in Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, etc.
ScrapHappy Page Templates Album: 4×6 Recipe Cards
ScrapHappy Brushes Midi: Recipe Cards 1
ScrapHappy Page Templates: Recipe Pages