I've mentioned before that my mom used to make lentil burgers. A lot. Well, maybe it wasn't as much as I am remember...you know how everything always seems so much bigger when you are a kid? My memories are probably a bit distorted, but it did seem like she made them all the time. She was the (almost always) vegetarian in our home, so she would make them just for herself and us even though she hardly ever tried to get us kids to eat them, we were always sure that they were gross.
Root Beer “Baked” Beans
I cook with beans A LOT. My family loves them and they are cheap, plus so good for you. In the summertime, it's very common for us to have them as a side dish - either as baked beans or as barbecue beans. I don't make them homemade every time, sometimes we just buy a can and heat them up, but I would say that the majority of the time, I try various recipes and make them from scratch (sometimes even cooking dry beans).
Another favorite in our home is root beer. Beans + root beer? When I first
Black Bean & Beer Soup
I know some have soup for dinner all year, but I'm not a fan. Soup, stews and similar things belong in the Winter. And maybe in Autumn.
I'm not sure what got into me when I put Black Bean and Beer Soup on the menu this week. Summer officially starts in just over TWO weeks! I had hundreds of dinner choices and I picked - of my own free will - a soup for dinner.
But, this is what happened: We planned our Memorial Day weekend and I knew my husband was going to buy some beer. I knew that one