Living in Vegas means that we never have a shortage of things to do. We play tourist quite often and have the best time visiting all the fun places we have in this town. At the end of the summer, our family finally took a trip to a place we had been wanting to visit since we moved here last year: the Ethel M's Chocolate Factory Tour.
Family Fun
Delicious Food Science: Candy Stages & Caramelization
We've been watching Top Chef: Just Desserts together as a family. We tend to watch quite a few competition cooking shows together as a family, but this one seems to be a top favorite. The kids will watch it and constantly make comments like "oh, that looks SO good!" or "I WANT THAT!". As someone who loves watching food shows, I enjoy seeing their enthusiasm. As we sit and watch, lots of conversations come up - discussing how the chef's do what they do, sharing our thoughts on what we think they
Ice Cream Sundae Party (with Tequila Caramel Sauce & Chocolate Bowls)
This summer has been very low-key for us. We will be taking a family trip to Comic-Con in a couple weeks so we've been saving our dollars and hanging out at home...A LOT. Our family fun has this summer has been having a BBQ and watching the latest movie that we pick up at the Redbox. Not real exciting stuff, but it suits us fine.
That was until we did the unexpected: we hosted an ice cream sundae party.
Las Vegas Farmer’s Markets
One day, while I was sitting back in my old house in Virginia, I started to wonder...
Is there Farmer's Markets in Las Vegas?
After all, it's DESERT. And it's HOT.
I don't know a thing about gardening, can things even grow when it's that hot?
I pulled out trusty Google and learned that, yes, there is farmer's markets in Las Vegas. Several of them, as a matter of fact. I was relieved - and excited to visit once we got settled.
Family Field Trip: Earth Fare – The Healthy Supermarket
Wanna go on a field trip with us?
Recently I learned about a grocery store called Earth Fare - The Healthy Supermarket. We don't have stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc. in our area, so when I found out we had a grocery store with a variety of organic and healthier options, I had to visit it. I told David about it and we immediately planned a family field trip!
We seriously get excited about stuff like this. The plan for the day was to go to lunch (pizza) and then hit Earth Fare.