At the beginning of every year, there is lots of bloggers were sharing goals, resolutions, plans, etc.
I wanted to share with you too. I really, really wanted to. I would read a motivating post on weight loss or time management and I would want to post too. But, I resisted.
Instead, I decided to take January 2014 to carefully decide what was truly important to me. There was so many great things that happened in 2013, but I feel like there was a lot of things that didn’t happen and I needed to firmly decided on what was important to me this year. Ultimately, this came down to things that I know will make me happier.
My 5 personal goals for 2014 are:
1. Weight Loss: This actually encompasses several parts — tracking all of my food, staying within my daily Weight Watchers points, healthier eating (more fruits/vegetable, less processed foods), and being more active. I started January 2014 at 355.6 lbs (I’m still uncomfortable sharing that number with you all, but I think it needs to be shared) and I’ve lost 10.8 lbs so far. Slowly, but surely! I’ll share monthly updates of what I’ve accomplished because I need the accountability.
2. Gratitude: Recording at least 3 things per week that I am grateful for. I’m allowing myself the option to record more than 3 things, but I have to write down at least 3 things that I am grateful for in the past week. I’m doing this because of struggles I have with being happy. Sometimes I’m focusing a little too much on the lives I’ve lost and not focusing on the life I’m currently living. My friend Theresa gave me a gratitude journal for Christmas after my sister, Danielle, died, but after my Dad died, I stopped writing it in it. I’ve intended to start writing regularly in it since then, but I never fully do. This year I am doing that.
3. Clutter-Free: My work space is so piled with crap, it’s almost embarrassing. You don’t want to see how bad it is. Or maybe you do. My desk and food photography prop shelves are in such disarray that they don’t make me happy and it’s causing frustration. Even other parts of my home are getting out of control. Ever since my Dad died and things of his became my mine, I feel like it’s been crazy. It’s time to do something about it.
4. Going To Bed with my Husband: This probably sounds like a weird goal, but for much of 2013, I didn’t go to bed with my husband when he went to bed. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, but I didn’t make it a priority. I worked late into the night, and since he had to wake early for work, he went to bed “early”, which to me is 9pm-10pm. Going to bed with him is not just something I am doing for myself because it means I will be getting more sleep, but it’s good for our marriage. I’ve been going to bed with him every night for several weeks and now it’s one of my favorite parts of the day….and I’m not feeling stressed that I’m leaving work unfinished.
5. Walking Early: This is a hard one because I consider myself a night owl. But it sort of goes together with going to bed with my husband. Staying up to all hours of the morning meant I would either not get enough sleep or I would wake later in the day than other people. While I used to think I could never wake early, I’ve already found that I can. My days are smoother and I’m much more productive.
Those are five of my big goals. There is more, but these are the ones that I feel are most important at this time. They are all things that I think are vital to my happiness right here and now.
In May, David and I are traveling to Arkansas for SoFabCon — a bloggers conference put on by Social Fabric (a community for bloggers). While these goals above are my long term goals, I have set some mini goals to accomplish by the time we go to SoFabCon. My mini goals are:
- I will lose at least 30 lbs total by the time we go.
- I want to record a minimum of 3 things I’m grateful for every week and start sharing them here on my blog
- I will have my entire desk and food photography props shelves clean and organized, even if I can’t get to the rest of the house yet.
- I will go to bed with my husband every single night. This one is so important to me that I don’t want to even allow myself days that I don’t go to bed at the same time with him.
- I will wake early at least 5 days a week. I’m allowing myself up to 2 days to “sleep in”, which will vary based on David’s days off from work and other schedules. Honestly, I don’t see sleeping in two days of the week, because I’m already in a schedule where I’m going to bed early, so I’m waking earlier too, but I do want to make room for that luxury if the opportunity presents itself.
Can I do it? I think I can. I’ll be doing monthly updates on my progress, so I hope you’ll visit and see how I’m doing. A bunch of other awesome SoFab Bloggers are also sharing what they plan to accomplish before SoFabCon — check out their posts and cheer them on too! And if you are going to be at SoFabCon, be sure to let me know in the comments below — I’d love to meet up with you!
Shannon Gosney says
These are great goals girl! Can’t wait to see you at SoFabCon in a few months!!!
Ali says
Brandie! I love your goals. I think I need to adopt some of them as my own too:) I can’t wait to “meet” you!!!:) SoFabCon or BUST!:)
Raquel @ Organized Island says
What a great way to get motivated and how exciting that you are going to SoFabCon! Good luck on your goals – I love SoFab!
Leslie Limon says
Hi Brandie! I am usually just a silent lurker, but one of my personal goals this month is to comment more on the blogs I read regularly. I have no doubt that you will be able to reach and every one of your 5 goals. Congratulations on losing those 10 pounds! Keep up the great work!
KIM says
Well, I hope you reach ALL of your goals by the time we see each other at the conference…but hey, 5 is high so don’t be upset if you don’t hit them all. Pick two and concentrate of them. looking forward to meeting you.