Here are my picks for Food Memories Monday for the week of 10/01/12. They were selected based on the food memory they share (not the photography or even the recipe) because their food story touched me, made me laugh, made me think, or just because I thought it was cool.
If you have a post on your own blog that shares a food memory, you can link it up in the linky at the bottom of this post. All I ask is that you either add my Home Cooking Memories button graphic to your post or a simple text link back to me on your post.
Here are my picks — if you click on the image, you can go directly and pin it to your Pinterest board or click, on the title and you can visit the webpage and leave these bloggers a comment:
A Vintage Grape Jelly Recipe (and some family lore)
This must-read post shares a fabulous family history about claiming land in the late 1800’s, the trials they endured, and a grape jelly recipe from Debra’s grandmother, passed down from her great-grandmother.
Source: via Brandie on Pinterest
Portuguese Chicken Spaghetti
For many Portuguese families, sitting down and sharing a meal doesn’t mean just food, but lots of conversation. This post, Sandra shares memories and a frugal recipe that has now become a favorite to her children too.
Source: via Brandie on Pinterest
Apple Pear Kuchen {Apfel Birnen Kuchen}
I absolutely love this idea and this story. This recipe is made with both apples and pears that were grown on trees that were planted for Beate’s two daughters just after they were born. An apple tree for one daughter and a pear tree for the other.
Source: via Brandie on Pinterest
Bea says
Thank you so much for sharing, Brandie 🙂 It makes my day!!! ~ Bea
brandie says
You are very welcome! I just love that you planted those trees for your girls, so as soon as I read your post, I was excited to share it with my readers.
Debra says
Thanks for the shout out. I really appreciate this.
I love these other recipes too. What a great idea—Memories Monday. Genius!!!!!M!M!M
brandie says
You’re very welcome! I loved the story in your post.