One of the many highlights of attending the Mixed Conference (my very first food blogging conference...yeeaaah) was our cake decorating class with Duff Goldman, cake decorator extraordinaire and owner of Charm City Cakes. Most people probably know him from the show "Ace of Cakes", which can be found in reruns on Food Network.
When we arrived to the class, we all paired up and sat at a tables, which were already geared up with a cake all ready for decorating and lots of Duff cake decorating
Food Memories
Food Memories Monday: Popcorn Balls, Pumpkin Seeds, Peanut Brittle
With Halloween just two days away, I'm sharing three blog posts this week for Food Memories Monday that not only capture food memories that I enjoyed reading, but they are also Halloween themed and I think you are gonna love them.
As with every Food Memories Monday, I pick posts based only on the food memory or story they share. While I love beautiful food photography and amazing recipes, I don't pick a post based on those things (they very well may have those things, but that's not criteria
Food Memories Monday: Chicken a la King, Pork ‘n Beans, Pierogies
Every week, I select 3 blog posts that I have found that share a food memory that I enjoy. Here are my Food Memories Monday picks for the week of 10/22/12.
Note: If you click on the image, you can go directly and re-pin it to your Pinterest board or click on the recipe title and you can visit the webpage and leave these bloggers a comment.
Wine Anchors Great Memories: A Night with Mirassou Winery
"Wine anchors great memories" - David Mirassou
Is it possible to love a wine brand even before your first sip? In the case of Mirassou Winery, I believe it's so.
This month, I was all set to attend my second blogging conference, Bloggy Boot Camp. I knew one of the sponsors was Mirassou Winery, but what I didn't know is that they were having a private wine tasting and dinner for some of the Bloggy Boot Camp attendees. It wasn't until I received my invitation that I learned of the special
Frontera’s Chipotle Pumpkin Salsa
Food Memories Monday: Kapusta, Fried Calamari, Chili Rellenos
Happy Monday! It's Food Memories Monday again and here are my picks for the week of 10/08/12. Every week I select 3 blog posts that I have found that share a food memory that I enjoy -- sometimes it's stories that make me cry, sometimes they make me laugh...sometimes they make me think. Either way, I liked them and thought they would be a perfect fit for Food Memories Monday.
Note: if you click on the image, you can go directly and pin it to your Pinterest board or click on the title and you
Food Memories Monday: Grape Jelly, Chicken Spaghetti, Apple Pear Kuchen
Here are my picks for Food Memories Monday for the week of 10/01/12. They were selected based on the food memory they share (not the photography or even the recipe) because their food story touched me, made me laugh, made me think, or just because I thought it was cool.
If you have a post on your own blog that shares a food memory, you can link it up in the linky at the bottom of this post. All I ask is that you either add my Home Cooking Memories button graphic to your post or a simple text
Food Memories Monday – Week of 9/24/12
Welcome to Food Memories Monday! Each Monday I share a few blog blog posts I have enjoyed because of the food story they tell. I don't judge the photography, or even the recipe itself, but if the story touches me, makes me laugh, or makes me think, I consider featuring it here.
One of the fun parts of Food Memories Monday is that I host a link up at the end of this post where you can share your own blog posts that share a special food memory. If you link up all I ask is that you either add
Homemade Sushi – Digital Scrapbooking Layout
Food Memories: Pineapple Juice
As parents, I think we have our own expectations on the things we want our children to remember as they grow older.
I know when we took our two oldest children to Disneyland, we took them at ages 10 and 8 because we wanted them to remember everything from the trip. Every Christmas, I've always tried to make it a holiday they won't forget. And birthday are always about memorable cakes, presents, and outings.
But, as usual, kids remind you that it's truly the little things that matter.