One day in December, I found a heavy box waiting for me at my mailbox. I opened the box to find a gift wrapped package with a note from my friend, Marnie, that told me this was a gift for me and my blog. I was so excited!
I considered, for a second, not opening it until Christmas, but I couldn’t wait. I unwrapped the package open to find a awesome gift set of Christopher Ranch items. There was jarred sun dried tomatoes, pesto, shallots, garlic, jalapenos, and garlic & ginger stir-fry sauce. Marnie bought the gift assortment at Garlic World in Gilroy, CA. I checked out their website and it looks like a totally cool place to visit. If I ever get the chance to go that way, I’m definitely going to stop in.
As I looked at my gift, I started thinking of all the wonderful things I could make – pizza, chicken stir-fry, pasta sauce – so much goodness in one box!
The biggest hit (so far) was this Pesto Pizza with Sun Dried Tomatoes – which was so easy to make. I made a homemade pizza crust, which I pre-baked. Then, I topped it with the entire jar of Christopher Ranch Pesto. This was topped with shredded mozzarella cheese and then the Christopher Ranch Sun Dried Tomatoes and some sliced onions. OH WOW! It was perfect. Even writing about it right now is making me crave a piece (or two). So good.
This is now going down as one of our favorite pizzas. I mean, we do have many, but this pizza is definitely in my top 3. Some of my other favorite toppings including artichoke hearts, broccoli, and mushrooms.
I would love to hear what are your favorite pizza toppings are – if you could eat just one pizza, what would it be?
A special note to Marnie: Thank you for such a thoughtful & useful gift – I can’t wait to use the rest of the items in even more yumminess.
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